1. Lack of Proper Training: Insufficient training on tools and equipment can lead to accidents.
  2. Poor Housekeeping: Cluttered and disorganized workspaces increase the risk of tripping and falling.
  3. Inadequate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Not wearing appropriate safety gear exposes individuals to potential hazards.
  4. Misuse of Tools: Using tools for purposes they are not designed for can result in accidents.
  5. Faulty Equipment: Malfunctioning machinery or tools can cause unexpected accidents.
  6. Lack of Supervision: Inadequate supervision can lead to unsafe practices and behaviors.
  7. Fatigue: Tiredness can impair concentration and coordination, increasing the likelihood of accidents.
  8. Lack of Communication: Poor communication among workshop members can lead to misunderstandings and accidents.
  9. Ignoring Safety Procedures: Failure to follow established safety protocols can result in injuries.
  10. Electricity Hazards: Mishandling electrical equipment or working with faulty wiring can lead to electrical accidents.
Last modified: Wednesday, 24 January 2024, 8:20 AM